SGIS Membership Application Process
If your school is interested in becoming a member of SGIS, we look forward to speaking with you and sharing the benefits of this collaborative community. In order to be considered for membership in SGIS, candidate schools shall follow the application process below.

Steps for SGIS Membership
In order to be considered for membership in SGIS candidate schools shall follow the application process below:
Review the membership criteria to determine whether the school is eligible for membership in SGIS.
Complete the application form and forward it with the application fee of 250 CHF to the SGIS secretary.
Provide the following information and documents and forward them in confidence to the SGIS office in one package:
Information/documents required in the application process:-
Constitution and By-Laws of the School
Articles of Incorporation
Statement of the School's philosophy or a mission statement
Organizational chart for the governing body
List of governing body members, including connection with the school
Financial statement
Organizational chart for the administration of the school
List of all administrative and faculty members, full and part time (including qualifications, areas of responsibility and length of time at the school)
School prospectus (promotional materials)
Enrolment by grade level for the current year and two preceding years
Academic Calendar/courses offered
Handbooks (faculty, student, parent)
A list of organizations of which the school is a member
Any additional information that you think will help us to understand your school community.
When all documents are on file with the SGIS secretary, a visiting team is appointed consisting of two members of SGIS schools, at least one of whom is a member of the Executive Committee.
You may be asked to provide copies of documents listed above or additional information for each of the visiting team members.
Visitation Team
The purpose of the visitation team is
to ensure the applicant school meets the standards and criteria for membership,
to provide a written report on each of the ten criteria for membership
and to provide a recommendation to the SGIS Executive Committee.
The duration of the visitation is normally for a maximum of one full school day.
The school will be responsible for any expenses incurred by the members of the visiting team.