How to become a SGIS Member
If your school is interested in becoming a member of SGIS, we look forward to speaking with you and sharing the benefits of this collaborative community. Below please find the criteria for membership.

Criteria for SGIS Membership
A school shall have a clearly formulated set of objectives and an educational philosophy which shall be set forth in a written statement.
There shall be evidence that the school is actively striving for excellence.
The school staff (administrative, instructional and supporting) shall be of such a number and qualifications, and shall be so deployed as to provide satisfactorily for the school’s operation.
The programme of studies shall, in its overall content and design, its organizational
arrangements, and its academic and instructional policies, represent a consistent and effective implementation of the school’s objectives and philosophy. -
The overall programme, curricular and extra-curricular, shall be such as to provide students with the ingredients which, insofar as they are not provided by other sources available to them, are needed in the interests of general human development.
The school shall provide pupil personnel services for its students which include:
a) Maintenance of proper records.
b) Well-planned and rehearsed procedures in cases of fire, accident, medical or other emergencies. -
The school shall provide or arrange for such transportation, food, residence, or other services as required in support of its programme, and shall ensure that these services meet acceptable standards of health, safety, and comfort.
Instructional materials and equipment shall be adequate in quantity and appropriate in type to fulfill the basic needs of the school’s instructional programme.
The school grounds, buildings, technical installations, basic furnishings, and supporting equipment shall be adequate for effective support of the total school programme.
The financial resources and management of the school shall be capable of sustaining a sound educational programme consistent with its stated philosophy and objectives. The school shall have existed for a minimum of 2 years prior to membership being agreed although the application process may be begun prior to this.
The visiting team will not visit a school until it has completed two full school years.
(Adapted from ECIS Standards for Admission to Membership.)