Exhibition: March 7 & 8, 2025
Display installation on March 6, 2025
Exhibiting and participating in the SGIS Annual conference every March is a great opportunity for school suppliers of all kinds to develop contacts in these schools and fly your flag. The exhibition is an informal, table-top event arranged in the common areas of the spectacular Leysin American School, where delegate footfall is forecast to be most likely. Exhibitors have full delegate rights and are encouraged to attend conference sessions and presentations and network with delegates.
The event is a teachers' conference - anticipated attendance include up to 200 teachers representing the membership of SGIS.
An exhibition of school suppliers and supporters of SGIS
Exhibitors are warmly invited to attend and contribute to the 2025 SGIS Annual Conference. Hosted at the spectacular Leysin American School, this is a venue and opportunity not to be missed. Where else can you make and renew contacts at many of Europe's finest schools in an alpine environment.
Thank you to our exhibitors
Alpinzentrum Gstaad AG
Collins (Harper Collins)
EducaTec -Systems GmbH
Global Action
Oxford University Press
Spaceoasis Ltd
Studio Patrick Sarl